junior development


While the junior activities or ‘nippers’ program provides resources and assistance to clubs to help them deliver the program to more than 600 members under the age of 14, our club, along with SLSNSW, also run a number of member development programs which offer personal development and leadership training for our cadets and beyond. These include:

  • Crowdy Head Annual Development (CHAD) Camp – for club members aged Under 12 to Under 18. Designed to further educate our nipper members on pathways post nippers. Also provides further Surf Skills (such as board, swim, etc) and education on equipment they have not yet to really experience (such as IRB, UAV, etc).
  • Junior Lifesaver of the Year (members aged 13-14 years) – the Junior Lifesaver of the Year Program aims to focus on recognising and rewarding members aged 13-14 who are nominated branch winners of the Junior Lifesaver of the Year Award. Clubs are encouraged to submit a male and a female surf lifesaver to their branch’s JLOTY program, with branch winners progressing to the SLSNSW JLOTY program.This program focuses on self-leadership, socialisation, teamwork, surf lifesaving and self-awareness.
  • Youth Opportunity Makers Workshop (members aged 15-17 years) – this workshop is geared towards creating greater awareness of opportunities and individual abilities in 15-17-year old members. The YOMS program is currently undergoing development – stay tuned for further updates.


For more information on SLSNSW’s Member Development, please visit the following:

SLSNSW –  https://www.surflifesaving.com.au/members/members-info/member-development/



“We joined Crowdy Head SLSC when we moved to Harrington about 5 years ago, seeking an opportunity to meet like-minded people in our community. We have formed lifelong friendships through the club and enjoy the opportunity to gain new skills through actively patrolling the beach with our mates. Patrolling is a fantastic way for us to stay fit and active, including opportunities to train on paddle boards and powered watercraft. We love volunteering in our community whilst having fun and keeping active.”


Bronze Medallion – Patrolling Member since 2018


557 Crowdy Head Rd, Crowdy Head NSW 2427

Email Us

Phone: 02 6556 1325
Just so you know, our phone is answered when the caretaker is in residence or if someone is upstairs near the bar. It isn't accessible from the Patrol Tower.

We are proud to offer MEMBER PROTECTION and be a CHILD SAFE club.